Introducing new CAIP Members

CAIP Canada is proud to welcome our 6 newest CAIPs through the Exam Stream:By passing the comprehensive, seven-hour CAIP exam on October 3, 2022, our new CAIPs have demonstrated the skills and knowledge required to be a Certified Analytics and Insights…

CAIP Canada Toastmasters Club Launch Set for Fall of 2022.

Register Today to take Advantage of this Exclusive Benefit for CAIPs. CAIP Canada is very pleased to announce the formation of a CAIP Canada Toastmasters Club for the FALL of 2022. This virtual club will be open to CAIPs from across Canada. This means no accessibility...

Earn your CAIP Designation through the October Exam

CAIP Canada’s first exam happened this early this year in April with three exam-takers successfully completing their exam to earn their CAIP designation. The next exam sitting will happen on October 04, Thursday. The rigorous and comprehensive CAIP Exam is a...