This webinar is brought to you by a unique collaboration between ESOMAR, the world’s leading international research association; the University of Georgia’s Center for Continuing Education, the leader in self-paced online research courses; Market Research Institute International, a non-profit educational institute comprising of practitioners maintaining and evolving the Market Research Core Body of Knowledge (MRCBOK™); and the Canadian Research Insights Council, Canada’s market research association.
All registrants will receive a link to the online recorded video, so you can view the webinar later if more convenient.
Segmentation may be the most challenging kind of study marketing researchers do. A cluster of common, but sometimes difficult to spot, problems make segmentation particularly challenging. We’ll discuss three of these problems and how to remedy them.
Attendees will benefit from understanding the most frequent pitfalls that ruin segmentation studies and with advice on how to avoid them.
SVP Analytics, Sawtooth Softward